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04 Jul 2024 03:42:23
Just a fun one. I know no way it will happen.

Lakers/ Cavs/ Jazz
Garland, Allen
for DLO, Hayes, Rui, Reddish, wood & Vanderbilt
And both 1st rounders.
Jazz get JHS for Kessler
Only works if the don’t think the Garland & Mitchell will work out and they don’t think the Allen & Mobley will work out. Only long term contract is Vanderbilt.
Then sign to 1yr cheap contracts and this will only happen if the market sets up.
Sign Dinwiddie, Hayward, Jalen Smith, Capella

Pg. Garland, Vincent, Dinwiddie
SG. Reeves, Christie, rookie
SF. james, Hayward, Lewis
PF. Davis, Smith,
C. Allen, Capella, Kessler

Little plays water boy for the G-league.




01 Jul 2024 20:55:23
Seeing both Paul and Thompson pass on the lakers shows they have no faith in our owner and GM to field a contender. It’s time to trade James. They missed on everyone that James would take less money to get. I say double s&t James for Maxey.
I know it won’t happen unless James requested it but he needs to go!




01 Jan 2024 03:43:39
Lakers/ Bulls
Lakers get
Caruso/ Vucevic
Bulls get
Lewis, Hayes, JHS, & Russel
or Russel, Vincent what ever they prefer.
We would have to add some picks. I would assume if they do this trade they will go young

Pg. Vincent, Caruso
SG. Prince, Reaves, Christie
SF james, Reddish
PF Davis, Rui, Vanderbilt Wood
C. Vucevic,

Davis/ Vucevic will share most the center minutes and wood can play some small ball 5.





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24 Jan 2024 15:07:00
Time for the Lakers to shock the world. Trade Lebron!





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20 Jun 2024 04:10:28
That’s why I don’t feel the Lakers should feel any loyalty to James. Since coming over here he has done nothing but ruin this team. It is obvious all he cares about is himself.





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