01 Jan 2022 21:45:40
How bout Lavine and Ball for Westbrook and Davis. That would be a major blockbuster move. I think Bulls do it just for Davis but take Westbrook because Lakers don't want him. Can this be done?
1.) 02 Jan 2022
02 Jan 2022 16:03:03
Well the contracts don't match up that's just to start. Davis and Westbrook make double what Lavine and Ball make. Next I don't see why the Bulls who are #1 in the east right at this second would do a deal for Davis who is injured and Westbrook who is a turnover machine when there will have to be more players involved anyway. Here is the bottom line and I think you may agree. When Davis gets back he needs to play better. He needs to get back to being that top 5 player in the league. Westbrook needs to cut down on turnovers.
2.) 03 Jan 2022
03 Jan 2022 05:25:50
bulls might be willing to do deal in the summer but not right now.